Sunday, July 7, 2013

Walk this way

Today we hear many stories about people doing God's will. In 2 Kings 5:1-4 we hear about Elisha who cured an enemies lead commander because he knew God wanted him to. In Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 we hear about 70 disciples of Christ who were sent out to do God's will and their amazing testimonials upon return of what they had seen done in Jesus' name. In Galatians 6:16 we are told in a bit more detail what we are being called to do.

Paul starts out with something that is familiar to all of us – messing up. I know that I mess up – frequently. Paul reminds us that if we are to live out Jesus' message and experience the kingdom of Christ here on Earth than we need to be able to give each other a little Grace. Think about all the Grace God gives us everyday! How many times a day do we thank God for our blessings? How many times do we do things that need Grace to recover from. Paul is telling us right at the beginning of the statement, that the only way to be people of Christ is to treat each other with Grace. Not only are we to do it with Grace but we are to be aware of our own limits so that we don't begin to think that we are better than we are – so that we don't begin to think that we don't need Grace, we only have to give it out.

Then we are told to bear one another's burdens. Think about this one for a moment.... I don't know about you but it is a lot easier for me to help someone than it is to ask for help. In moving here I learned this the hard way. I did not want to ask for help packing. I did not want to burden friends and family. I did not want to bother anyone, and well part of it was probably pride. I didn't want to have to ask. I didn't want to feel inadequate, like I couldn't handle it on my own. I didn't want to admit to how overwhelmed I fetlt at having to say goodbye to the world I have come to know, to help my children navigate leaving the only home they have ever known and taking a leap of faith. Here you should probably know that until two weeks before we moved we did not have a place to live. When we did find a place to live we also found a home to buy but again had to make a leap of faith and decide on the spot if we wanted to own it. So there were a lot of things happening. Yet, my pride was still larger than ...well anything. I finally broke down and asked for help the last week as I panicked and started randomly throwing various items in random boxes trying to figure out how we were going to get anything done. This is a time that I needed to heed Paul's words. It is not my job just to help other people with their problems, worries and life situations, but I am to allow others into that uncomfortable space of helping me. I am to make room to receive help carrying my burdens. Have any of you felt that difficulty?

Paul goes on to explain this some more. If we pretend we can handle things all on our own all the time then we are deceiving ourselves because we can't. We were never meant to live in this world completely independently – we need each other and God. I want you to think now about a time that you have have needed help. Did you ask for it?

Paul continues to tell us more about how we judge. He began by telling us that if someone is making a mistake we should correct them kindly and lovingly and move on, but he also tells us that we need to look at ourselves before we look at anyone else. We have to stop and ask ourselves if we can be proud of the work we have done, the way we live, how we have treated others? We have to ask ourselves have we helped others carry their burdens, have we allowed others to help us?

Then Paul does something tricky....he tells us everyone has to carry their own load....after he told us to help each other carry their loads. What? I think Paul is trying to remind the people that we have to deal with the consequences of our own actions. If we choose to do something that is what we have to deal with, so make sure it is something we can be proud of. Make sure we are attempting to live in a Christian way and then we will have help carrying our burdens. If you choose to go against God than that you are going to have to deal with the consequences.

Paul goes a step further yet. He reminds us that our intentions are never hidden from God. That no matter what we are doing and why we are doing it God knows. If we try to deceive ourselves, we are doing just that we may be able to pretend for a while but we can never trick God. God knows the intentions of our hearts and that is what we will reap when we harvest. What seeds are you sowing? Paul even encourages us in v.9 “So let us not become tired of doing good; for if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest.” Sometimes it is so hard to keep working on this path towards God, but don't give up, because God is also working on us to keep us on the path towards God.

Suddenly Paul seems to switch tracks and talk about circumcision and writing in large hand writing. You see even in Paul's time if you wrote in all caps people knew you were yelling at them! He is reminding the people that there will always be someone telling you how to get to heaven, and what you should do, ought to do and what you are doing wrong. The thing is that often times they are the ones who have lost the way themselves. They have written a formula for actions when what is needed is a relationship with your heart. Paul tells us not to heed what they say and ignore them completely. What does matter “is becoming a new creature” in Christ. If you are not made new, if you nothing changes in your life because of your belief in Christ then you are not a Christian. We are made new in Christ for he is constantly perfecting us and pulling us toward him in deeper relationship so that we may live in his Kingdom, in his Glory NOW and FOREVER!!

So when we are tired, when our burdens are heavy and you are worn down. Remember it is not a formula that you need. There is no quick fix, but a relationship. You need a relationship with God and with the people God has put in your life to walk with you. We were not made to carry our burdens alone but to grow in love with one another and the community. This is Christ call for us.

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