Saturday, July 20, 2013

Need a Fill Up?

Over the past few weeks I have been on over drive with church stuff to do. Have any of you felt like that, with some part of your life. You try to fit more and more in your day and feel like you are chasing your tail and still behind? If that pace lasts too long, and if you are anything like me, it will cue the frustration and feelings of inadequacy.

I think this is why I resonate with Martha so much and probably also why I have been confused by this passage for so long. Why is Jesus being hard on Martha? We were just told to take care of people last week with the Good Samaritan so why is Martha getting reprimanded? What does Jesus mean?

Then I hit upon the idea in one of the commentaries that perhaps it is the extreme service Jesus is warning us of. I looked up the passage in its original Greek with an English translation on a great website I have found ( ). When I looked at that, I realized that one of the words for what Martha was doing is business. I also found out that as a leader of the women in the early church, she was literally acting as one of the first deaconesses – connecting the world with the body of people and serving the people through her work and her hospitality. So she was busy with the business of hospitality. This is something that Jesus has praised before.

So what is different now? According to the Greek/English translation Martha is actually approaching Jesus in a state of near hysteria. She is so overwhelmed by the task at hand. She doesn't know where to start.....this sounds so much like my life at times!!!! Has anyone else felt this? So many things running down over you that you don't know where to or how to catch your breath. This was my month of June! We sold our house, found a new house, found an apartment, packed ten years of stuff, finished Kindergarten, finished youth soccer – which I was coaching, said good bye to our friends, our family and our home and headed to a whole new place. I was Martha about mid June – Jesus send me some help already. Don't you see I am drowning here? Get yourself moving and send me help!

Martha is there, panicking. There are so many needs around her and she is trying to fill them, both literally with food and figuratively with her gifts as a leader in the early church. This is when Jesus tells her to slow down. Martha, Martha is not a condescending pat on the back, it is an attention getting. He says it to slow her down. Then he tells her she is worried and troubled over so many things and only one thing is needed. When have you felt like that? So overwhelmed you can't even remember to do the one thing that is needed because it isn't a physical pressing need. Taking time to listen to someone when ten others are clamoring to you about their hunger is not easy. This is what we have to do everyday. What clamors for your attention? Smart phones, television, computers? What about meetings, groups, chores, and schedules? Appointments that seem to be more important than doing your devotions? What seems to sneak in and steal your time with God in prayer, devotion or meditation. It may be a good thing. It may be sharing your gifts and talents that God has given you, but if we never take time to refill with God like Mary then we will soon be empty. We will feel panicked like Martha because we can not fill those needs without God. We cannot use our gifts and talents without being replenished in Christ. We need to hold fast onto the center of our faith so that we may live, truly live out our faith.

Service and Word are required to live out true faith, but the service comes from the Word. We can not share with others what we do not have. We can not share the freedom from separation that God grants us if we do not take time to stay connected with God. The Word and the Spirit gives us strength to do the work in the world, without them we have no power do any lasting good.

So how are you going to refill with God? How are you going to let your Martha and Mary sides work together? What are you going to do to fill up with Jesus and then go out and serve the world in all of its neediness?

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